Cookie policy

Cookies notice from

Notice pursuant to the Act "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of May 8th, 2014.

1 What is the purpose of this notice?

This page describes how to manage theAz. website. Agr. La Spinona s.s., based in Via Secondine n. 30, Barbaresco - 12050 (CN), Italy (Hereinafter referred to as "The Spinona") in reference to cookies that are installed on the users' terminals themselves.

This extended notice, pursuant to the combined provisions of Article 13, paragraph 3, 122, paragraph 1 and 154, paragraph 1, article. c) of the Code, in order to provide time to inform the user about the storage of the so-called cookies on to their terminals by the present website visited, and this in accordance with the Ordinance of 8th May 2014 on "Locating simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies."

 The document draws on the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Authority for the protection of personal data in relation to the processing of personal data of users who connect to the official website is indeed the intention of the owner to align their policies of privacy protection to the provisions of the "Code", also the cautions and procedures that the Guarantor has specified in its document on the Privacy Policy published on the official website of the Authority. In relation to Privacy, please read the Privacy Policy on our website, as well as to the Act "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 08 May 2014.

2 Using technology to acquire information stored in the terminal equipment of the Users ("Information Cookies")

We have prepared the following Policy on Cookies to describe the types of cookies and other technology used on our website and on our platform and to describe the reasons and conditions for the use of cookies. Please note that we cannot offer our Website or our services on your device without sending some of our cookies and/or similar technologies. Therefore you authorize us to use cookies when you use our website and our services. However, you can avoid some cookies by configuring the settings of your browser or refusing third parties directly.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files situated in the directory of your browser. When you access a website a cookie that is sent to the device through which you access the website sends information to the browser. Cookies are very common and are used on many websites. This happens because cookies allow those who run the website to carry out useful functions; for example, a cookie enables the operator of a website to know if a computer (and probably its user) has visited the website before. In general, the purpose of cookies is to improve the functioning of the website and the user experience when browsing it. However, cookies can also send advertising messages (as specified below). This document draws on the contents of the Privacy Policy applied by the Authority for the protection of personal data in relation to the processing of personal data of users, published on the Official website

B. Technical Cookies and Third Party Cookies

We may send "La Spinona" cookies to your device through our site. Cookies that are sent are defined as Technical cookies. Technical Cookies are cookies that belong to the site that created them. The use of these cookies allows us to run the site efficiently. We also allow third parties to send cookies to your device. The difference between a Technical cookie from the site and a third party cookie concerns the control by the person who sends the cookie. Even if we allow any third party to access the site to send cookies to the user's device, we have no control over the information provided by cookies and we do not have access to such data. This information is totally controlled by third parties as described in the above extended privacy policy.

C. Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies

Our Site may send session cookies that are persistent on your device. While the difference between a cookie and a third party cookie regards the party that controls the initial sending of cookies to your device. The difference between a session cookie and a persistent cookie is the different amount of time for which a cookie can function. Session cookies are cookies that typically last until you close your internet browser. When you finish your browser session, the cookies expire. Persistent cookies, as the name indicates, are constant cookies and they continue to operate after you've closed your browser. This enables faster and easier access to our website. For example, a persistent cookie that our website reads from your device is the language chosen for navigation. Once the cookie is sent, it will mean that, when accessing the site in the future, you will be automatically directed to the website with the chosen language.

D. Cookies and Other Technologies on the site of "La Spinona"

Our Site may send cookies and similar technologies in different ways and for different purposes. Typically, these purposes include:

• To simplify your use of our Site and our services;

• To monitor, analyse and improve the performance and efficiency of our Website and our services;

It is our intention to be transparent and clear about the conditions and purposes of using cookies and other technologies. Therefore, in this section, we have specified the cookies which are relevant to your use of our Site and our services.

D.1 Website Cookies

The site cookies are cookies sent by the "La Spinona" server to allow the use of the Website. These cookies are normally stored in your browser and do not expire at the end of your session. The user tracking cookies are technical cookies that track ID and user settings during the visit and use of the Site. We consider these cookies useful to the operation of our site and we can send them on your device to improve your use of our Site and our services.

D.2. Google Analytics and Google Maps

We use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google that sends cookies on your device. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Site(except your IP address as this site has systems that make anonymous) are transmitted to Google and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the Site, prepare reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if required by law or if third parties process this information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data that Google has. Google is a data processor in this case. For more information about Google Analytics, you can consult Cookies and Analytics and its privacy policy for Google Analytics.

- _utma - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 Years / Updated - Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created by the execution of the javascript library. This cookie tracks the number of times a visitor has visited the website, when they made the first visit and when the last time they visited the site was. The cookie is updated each time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmb - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 30 minutes/Updated - Used to determine new sessions/visits. Retrieves the timestamp at the exact moment when a visitor enters the site. The cookie is updated each time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmc - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: the end of the session - This cookie operates in conjunction with the cookie _utmb to determine if the user has created a new session, or if you are visiting the site again.

- _utmaz - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 6 months / Updated - Stores the traffic source or country from which the user has reached the site. The cookie will be created once there is an execution of the javascript library and is updated each time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _utmv - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 years / Updated - Used to store-level visitor customized variable data. The cookie is updated each time the data is sent to Google Analytics.

- _ga - Third Party Cookies - Google inc. - Duration: 2 years - Used to distinguish users.

-_ APISID, HSID, NID, PREF, SAPISID, SID, SSID__utma, __utmb, __utmt, __utmt_super, __utmz, _ga, _gat, _gat_ta, _gat_tw, PaidContent, WMC, GAPS - Cookies installed by the Google Maps module used for the inclusion of maps page.E. Transparency in the use of cookies

We want to make use of cookies and other similar technologies as transparent as possible. As stated above, we are not able to provide you with the Site and our services without "La Spinona" cookies. If you do not wish to receive third party cookies on your device, many of them offer the possibility of excluding them from being sent. Please note, however, that this exclusion by third parties is not subject to our control.

D.3. Facebook Cookies

Facebook uses cookies to offer the user the functionalities of sharing and placing "likes" on one's wall.

For more information, see page

E.1 How to disable third-party cookies?

Under Article 154 paragraph 1 letter C) of the Privacy Code we provided below links to websites containing information taken from third parties:


E.2 How to disable cookies from common internet browsers?

Most browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) are configured to accept cookies. Cookies stored on the hard drive of your device can still be deleted, and you can disable cookies by following the instructions provided by the main browsers, using the following links:



Internet Explorer:



According to Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code (in the wording applicable after the promulgation of the legislative decree. 69/2012) and the Provision of the Privacy Guarantor "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies" of 08 May 2014, the "technical" cookies can be used even in the absence of consent. Incidentally, the same European body that gathers all the Authorities for the privacy of the various Member States (the so-called Group "Article 29") made it clear in Opinion 4/2012 (WP194) entitled "Exemption from the consent to the use of cookies," which are cookies for which it is not necessary to acquire the prior informed consent of the user:

- cookies with data compiled by the user (session ID), the duration of a session or persistent cookies, limited to certain hours in some cases;

- cookies for authentication, used for the purposes of authenticated services, for the duration of a session;

- cookies for security focused on users, used to detect abuses of authentication, for a limited duration period;

- cookies, media players, such as cookies for  "flash" readers, for the duration of a session;

- Session cookies for load balancing, for the duration of a session;

- Persistent cookies to customize the user interface, for the duration of a session (or so);

- cookies to content sharing through social plugins of third parties, members of a social networks who have logged on.

3 Changes to this Cookies notice

"La Spinona" reserves the right to make changes to the Site, to this Cookies Notice anywhere published on the Site at any time. Upon consultation, the user must always refer, as applicable version, to the published text.

The changes will be effective once they are published on the Website. The continued use of the Site by the user, following a change, will be considered acceptance of those changes.

All users can check at any time, via the Web, the latest version of the Cookies Notice as updated from time to time by "La Spinona".